Assignment: Self-reflection monologue
Title here
Understanding the impact of social media on one's behaviour and psychology
Prior knowledge
Modules on algorithms, hashtag journalism, news cycle
Evaluation criteria
- Does it adequately explore the personal experience in a self-reflective manner?
- Does it address the key issue(s) and impact(s) they observed through the self-observation?
- Does it draw on the ideas discussed in class or in the reading?
STEP 1: Making a pledge
- Have students discuss in a small group about how they use mobile phones to interact with people through various social media apps, play games, and do other activities.
- Based on the above conversation, ask them to think about an experiment in which they do things in a drastically different fashion for 10 days.It can be as simple as 'post a photo of everything I eat on Instagram every day,' 'never use WhatsApp after 5 p.m.,' or 'get the news from Facebook feed only and never look at any other news sources.'Have them submit their 'pledge' that includes a) what they will be doing differently every day; 2) what they would like to observe by doing so.Note: There is no assessment but some students might pledge something that is too easy or practically impossible to achieve, so some guidance is needed.
STEP 2: Video monologue
- After 10 days, students need to video-record themselves talking about their experience and observation. For an older age group (e.g. university students), this assignment can be tied to theories and concepts. For younger ones, self-reflection is perhaps good enough.
- The video monologue should be between 60 to 90 seconds.
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