Photo by Headway on Unsplash

In Class: Deconstructing a native ad

Key Lesson

Identifying elements of a native advertisement that make it more or less effective


Prior Knowledge

News as promotion, native advertising

Prior knowledge


After having completed this assignment, students should:

  • Recognize the elements of a native advertisement
  • Critically evaluate the effectiveness of a native advertisement
  • Discuss what might happen if the native advertisement is successful


  • Students find a native advertisement from a publication of their choice
  • In pairs or small groups, students deconstruct the advertisement
  • Screenshots of significant elements of the native ads should be taken and posted to the group’s slide in a shared Google slide deck.
  • The groups come together and show and tell the elements of their native ad, then discuss the effectiveness of the ad and its implications for news audiences.

Teachers’s Note:

  • Depending on the time available, it can be helpful to provide one or more native ads rather than having students find their own example

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